Sunday, May 24, 2009

Knock-Knock- anyone out there?

Just saying hi! I am so bored tonight..... I finally feel decent *and* have no school work or anything to do..... that doesn't happen very often.....

The sickness is going around my house.... I just hope it misses Carter..... he seemed kinda sick to his stomach earlier, but he wasn't acting bad otherwise, so ...... now Adam is being all pathetic....

Dance recital went well.... I really miss it.... I was going to help some, but since I still wasn't feeling well, I just watched. I wish that I could teach again! I miss it so much! I miss that excitement of recital night when you are so involved in things! It kinda bummed me out that I am not that involved with it anymore..... I was going to try to pursue teaching next year, but with the baby coming and my school year winding down, I would be so out of it for most of the next dance year that it is pointless. And then if I take next year off, then I will be trying to start my career, I don't know if dance will ever happen for me again, but I guess I can just hope that I can have a daughter to live through vicariously LOL....

A few of the ladies at work think I could be anemic..... I dunno, I've never had health problems before LOL so I don't even know where to begin..... I don't know why this pregnancy has to be so damn hard! Carter wasn't easy, but damn he was a cake walk compared to this one! I am just exhausted all around....

I have the day off tomorrow, I think maybe dishes and finishing the garden.... maybe another nap if Carter allows..... we were thinking about going to my mom's, but its an hour away, and with Adam sick, I don't think it is going to happen.... sigh.... I love spending holidays away from the house but oh well!

Okay, well that is it for now.... night night!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am so not motivated right now..... maybe I'll feel like doing something tomorrow....

my second class for Summer trimester starts tomorrow, plus I have an assignment due for my math class tomorrow. And I don't wanna do any of it! But I will, I know I will, b/c I am as determined as ever to graduate at least cum laude, if not suma, or if I can really motivate myself, I could still get magma! I just feel like this is finally my time to do things right. I have slacked my whole college career, I have always had more important things, and I still do. The difference is, I am learning to balance all those things into a good equilibrium. I have about 11/12 classes left, and I know that I can accomplish As in almost all of them if I put my mind to it. I haven't thought that in a long time. I just assumed I would be that average student until I graduated, and I was okay with that. But Franklin was my clean slate. My other classes, they don't matter (or at least their grade's don't). I have a chance to start new, and I am going to use that to be the best.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day (copied from my Facebook)

So tomorrow is Mother's Day.... I'm not much for Hallmark holidays, and neither is Adam, so I won't get anything. I won't be home anyways, I'll be leaving for FL! but I just can't believe it has been a year already....

last year at this time, I was bitching about labor, and wanting to see my baby. I was having my baby showers, and trying to get things ready for this little boy that I had never met.

And now my little boy is weeks from turning one! I just cannot believe how fast time flies.... he is not a baby anymore, he is a little person- a little person that I have to raise! How scary is that? Things were so much easier when he was a baby.... I didn't have to discipline him, fix him food (other than formula or breastmilk), fight him when he didn't (or did) want to do something.....

He has always had a personality, and I always knew he would be a little spitfire. Adam was for sure, and I was, but I was always too afraid to be too bad, so I didn't show it. Everyday, I see his personality more. I see him growing up, getting ready to explore the world. And I just can't believe that a year ago, he wasn't even here. I can't remember what it was like without him, I really can't!

And the funniest thing, that I have been thinking about lately, is just how I knew him. Before you have kids, you can't really imagine what they will be like or look like. And of course, I like everyone else, had no idea what to expect. But for some reason, he is exactly what I would have imagined our baby to look like! He is better than I was expecting, I never knew I would have such a cute or great baby boy. He is just everything I could have hoped for, but never thought I would get or deserve.

I have a lot of mood issues (even when I'm not pregnant, like I would remember what that felt like) but with Carter, they just are nonexistent. I don't yell at him out of anger- ever..... but I do at everyone else. He makes me a better person, when I walk in the door, I see him and I just melt.

You really just can't understand what it means to me a mom until it happens. I will never be the same again. And that, is all I could have possibly asked for for Mother's Day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

sigh.... I am feeling so lazy......

I love, love, love my law class! it may be my favorite class I have taken in a very long time, which is scarily enough making me consider a change of profession---- dammit......

but this damn global issues class is running me ragged.... in 6 weeks, I have 3 research papers (4-5 pages but still....) and a project due, all on Russia- not a difficult country.... but still, that is amongst interviewing someone originating from another country..... and readings, and my law class assignments LOL.....

and I am bored right now, there is nothing going on, I just have no motivation to do it! I am a last minute sort of person- I pop out 99% papers the night before the paper is due...... everytime, it isn't a fluke, I just work best under pressure! But damn that comes with the price of freaking out every week that I won't get done LOL that's okay, only 5 more weeks of this left!

Adam is out doing something LOL---- he better bring me back some ice cream or something..... jerk.....

okay, I'm out, maybe I will work on my school work *snicker* yea right.....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A new quarter.... new beginning.... almost the end....

So, tomorrow starts the next 6 week session of school.... I have 2 classes, global issues and business law.... I am, in fact, very excited for these classes..... they are my first 'real' classes at Franklin, and after acing my first course, my confidence has been boosted to the point I feel I *can* do this.....

I have like 13 classes left, and I can totally do this! I'm eating Lunchables Pizza LOL....

and wtf is up with the weather? It is like snowing now! seriously...... it was 70 yesterday..... bite me Ohio.....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

ahhh the good ole' days

Okay- so it was long before my good ole' days...... but doesn't watching Grease just make you want to go back to the good ole' days when things were simple? When guys had cars and girls had sleepovers? I mean come on! there was no internet, which eliminates just that many of the complications of life nowadays! uhm, and John Travolta is hot LOL...... and the dancing- yea it gets me a little hot LOL.....I'm thinking about bed, but I just had to get on and say that LOL....

hell, I wasn't even thought of when this movie was made, but gosh I wish things were still that simple....

in other news, Carter is actually crawling, like a pro- finally! he is kinda thinking about walking, he tries but falls after a step LOL..... (don't make me laugh, ha-ha-ha).... I was kinda hoping that Ocean's 11 would be on TV tonight, so that I could watch it for my project, but alas, it was not- sigh..... love that movie, though! I have to work tomorrow, and then get on for a meeting with my group tomorrow, hopefully that won't last too long.....

I kind of have this urge to watch Twilight- and High School Musical 3- don't ask why.... I blame Kroger..... okay, I think off to bed now!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What a great day, overall, I'd say LOL.....

only one baby! yay! Heartbeat, 171 bpm, double yay! still no morning sickness .... went shopping and got Carter a whole summer wardrobe from my favorite store- Carter's of course LOL..... no dance, finished my schoolwork for tomorrow, finally 100% done with all my finals (and they actually weren't bad, so hopefully they bring my grades up to what they should be!)

my research paper for tomorrow was dead on 600 words (which was the max length LOL).... I just can't help it, I was an English major, I'm long winded.... a 600 word paper is nothing, I'm used to like 1500 words LOL (and I had issues staying within that one too HA!)

bills are caught up, fixed my inlaws car for them (since Adam has been driving it for months now).... calling my uncle now to see if it will be ANYTIME SOON that his car is done LOL, and he just said Saturday or Sunday- so man I hope so, Adam's dad is starting to get upset. Things are just overall going well.... now the cherry on it all, would be if Adam got another job, or found out if he was being transferred or anything..... we heard on the news (yes, they news, not from the facility) that they will be announcing April 29th, what is going on with layoffs, transfers, etc. and that the facility closes on June 6th (day after Carter's bday- how ironic)

I have a couple other things to get done.... and going to go finish my chipotle from earlier, and maybe eat some strawberry cheesecake ice cream.... have a great week all! I leave you with pictures of baby #2

Friday, March 13, 2009


Friday! This week is finally OVER! CSCC is finally OVER.... I am moving onto Franklin, starting a new chapter in my career/education! Starting a new chapter in my personal life, with a new pregnancy/new family member!

Carter and I both have doctor's appts. next week! I am so excited for both of them! Getting to see the new baby, hear it's heartbeat..... it will finally be real in my mind..... and dammit there better only be one in there LOL..... guess we'll know in a little less than a week!

Okay, well that was my weekly update! Off to relax before work!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Long, Long Week

Man, this begins my week of hell..... and to top it all off, it was going to be hell, before I was pregnant and unmotivated.....

I start at Franklin this week (which is a yay!) but I actually have to go to class, for this one class (kind of like their undergrad orientation sort of deal) for 3 weeks, 2 and half hours on Thursdays. Not too horrible, the class won't be too bad, considering I am used to online classes, college, the whole nine, and the class is basics, for adults, who have no idea how to turn on a PC.

But this week, also just happens to be finals week for my stuff at Columbus State (sigh....) and I am really worried about these classes b/c I am a horrid test taker, and have not done too wonderfully the past few weeks. I just want to be done, and get out acceptably at this point.

And, I have two more cake decorating classes (tomorrow, and the next Monday)..... the smell of icing makes me want to throw up..... and I just feel like there is not enough time in the day, in fact, I may not go for the last two..... I got most of what I wanted out of it...... but I spent $70 to take this class, and missing two classes is like wasting $24 bucks, but sigh, I dunno.... other stuff is more important I guess is how I should think of it.

Franklin is also one of those schools that has stuff do on the first day of the class. So I have some assignments to get done before Thursday, and I have over half of them done, but I am confused by the second half, like I'm not getting all the info on the assignments, but am somehow expected to complete them, I dunno. Or maybe, I just need to take a break, go back and look at it tomorrow and see how it looks then. I am kind of exhausted.

oh and to top it all off- dance class..... gosh I love dance, but when I'm pregnant, not so much..... also makes me want to throw up, but the year is almost over, and I would feel horrible to bail on them this close to the performance.

On the bright side, this weekend was awesome- other than me being *so* tired..... I need to go find some food and maybe turn in early..... maybe when I wake up tomorrow all this stuff will seem much less daunting

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Freakin' Birthday....

So my dad calls yesterday (on my birthday) to tell me that my aunt passed away suddenly yesterday morning..... she wasn't feeling well (of course, she is a *tad* overweight, so she has a whole myriad of health problems anyways) left the house to go to the hospital or doctor or whatever, and had a heart attack right there and died......

I don't really know what to think.... I am not really all too tight with my dad's side of the family, they live 3 hours north, and are a little more than dysfunctional, but they have been having lots of issues lately, and it seems a little unfinished for them to not work them out before she died...... he is supposed to be calling me about arrangements, I don't even know if I want to go....

of course, when my grandma on that side died, it didn't hit me until a few days later..... again, same situation of never really being that close with her, etc. I wasn't even going to go to the funeral, but at work a few days after I found out, I hadn't even told anybody, and just blurted it out to my boss and started crying, big soppy tears, I was a mess..... I think it is more the suddenness of it than the fact that it is death, if that makes any sense..... I was by my dad that I should make the trip to go see my grandma because she was dying, and week later, before I had even had time to go, she was gone.....

Same with my aunt, the woman was late 40s early 50s too young too die, and there were no precursors...... ugh, I hate this, and I feel between a rock and hard place.... I hate funerals, and I really hate funerals for people I don't feel really close to, but I do need to go and be there for my dad, and for my aunt Kim..... they have had to be there for each other lately.......

So, happy birthday to me......

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So Excited!

So this has been released for weeks now but moron me forgot and just read it: Dancing with the Stars new cast has been released and OMG!

I am so ultra excited- I am kind of a nerd lol..... that is all, I am off to work!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The weekend and school.... sigh....

So Carter woke up 2 hours ago, and now I can't go back to sleep.... even though he is sleeping peacefully upstairs..... but that's okay, I've caught up with Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.... now I just have ER left..... I think I can go to bed now LOL.....

I got my paper done and turned in- a day early.... I hate marketing, it is just one of those B.S. classes that has a lot of stupid B.S. work that is pointless to my career! but alas, I only have like 4 more weeks of it! yay! I have to close all weekend.... my daddy is coming this weekend- and I am going to miss him most of the time he is here. At least he gets to see his little man again, he doesn't see Carter enough, I wish he had never moved to stupid Cleveland....

Okay, bed I am tired LOL... and I have a lot to do tomorrow before I go to work!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Too Busy of a Day

I hate it when I have a list of things to accomplish and I don't finish the list--- I feel like such a loser....

like today- I wanted to get new phones (check!).... buy stuff for cake decorating (half check! I got the powdered sugar, crisco, beginners kit, and disposable decorators bags; did not get a few of the other tips I need, plus flower plates, plus I still can't find food coloring in a paste).... I think there was something else- but alas, I don't even remember what it was because I didn't get to it! LOL.... (oh yes, it was actually making the icing LOL)

I didn' t even cook, we ordered pizza.... I have a few more baby food purees to make that I didn't get to.... I hope that Carter sleeps all night tonight..... he has the past two nights- on Adam's night to get him (of course!) but he won't tonight LOL

okay, off to watch Top Chef and relax!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm an Idiot

so today was not a good day--- no details right now, I just kinda feel like my life is not going the way I expected it to.....

but on the plus side- I'm a moron- I just realized that I set my time stamp to Pacific time LOL.... okay, I fixed it now.....

Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a beautiful day!

Oven cleaning stinks..... literally....

so I had my first cake decorating class today- it was a lot of fun. Hopefully I will actually be able to do this by the end of this all! yay! I learned a lot today, and we only went over some basics....

and I filed my tax returns.....

man was I productive today!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My newest obssession

So- I pretty much love Diablo Cody and everything she does. Like, seriously LOL.....

she is so interesting and has such unique writing and ideas. She kind of leads the life I wish I did (all the way down to the stripping LOL)....

I am coming down off of my few days worth of high..... I am so tired, and I haven't accomplished hardly anything this week. Our roof is leaking like massively in the master bedroom, it got all over everything. Why do I have to take care of everything? Or at least, ask for things to be done. I shouldn't have to ask, my husband should be willing to offer to help me, I mean, seriously.... he called off today, so fine, I've called off a few times myself recently.... why gets me, is when I call off, I spend the day taking care of Carter, doing dishes, cooking, school work, whatever..... he calls off, Carter is at the ILs because we were both supposed to work early, and he doesn't accomplish anything except changing the oil in his car (or should I say, letting someone else change his oil).... there are dishes everywhere, he could have job searched, he could have stopped the massive leak (at least temporarily) earlier before it got on everything...... ugh..... men.......

And now, once i get home with the child, that he hardly spent anytime with, he goes to see a movie with his friend. sigh..... I hate being a woman....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Exams are......

So I think I did pretty good today..... took my finance and taxation exams. My marketing exam is later in the week, but I can do it at home so yay for that.... I am just catching up on my television shows for the past few days, and reflecting on how things are going. I got my marketing assignment back today, I got an 88%- not bad for not having any idea what the hell I was talking about. HA! Now I need to see what else needs to be done. I have another assignment due tomorrow what a waste of my time, geesh.... but oh well, I will get it done, at least I have tomorrow off, and it seems like it will be a nice little snow day! I need nice weather, I hate this damn snow. It bites. I need to go to sleep. I am so zoned....

It was a good day other wise. Hopefully I can get my grades back soon, so I stop fretting about it. And now, I need to go get something sweet to eat before bed :) Have a great day all!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Carter is being a tool LOL, but at least he has started sleeping through the night again..... finally got a day off, I have next Sat. off too, which is really weird.... but then, when I ask for a Sat. off, they will bitch because I always get Sat. off. I can't help that I request 1 and you give me 3 more.... jerks.... although I did get a compliment at work the other day, the first time in a long time. I have been put in charge of marketing our dry cleaner in the store, we do abotu 1/5 the business of all the others in the area. So, I made some radio announcements on our PA system.... I was told by the homeside manager that I did a wonderful job and that he thinks I should do all of our announcements. And then, he went to my boss and actually asked if he could write down any announcements he has and give them to me to read. He said I didn't stumble and sounded so professional; I was like, seriously? On top of that, after I write some announcements, the dry cleaner brings in some that they would like read. The managers read them and told me to throw them away because mine were better:) yay! score for Erin. But, I am still pulling for that job at the College. I really need to not have a commute.... I'm getting worse and worse at making it on time, because I put off leaving for so long! LOL....

On a different note, school is going very well. So far, have turned in all assignments, and gotten prefect scores on everything. Although, I haven't gotten my score for my marketing case study yet, I doubt I got 100% on that, it was bitchy LOL.... but everything else is going excellently. In fact, I should be studying for my exams right now, while I have some quiet time. I think I will make Adam watch Carter when he gets home so I can study some more.... I need to go clip coupons and slice some peaches and pears for the little man. My daddy was supposed to come over this weekend but he bailed on me, I'm very upset by that, but oh well c'est la vie! Have a great day all!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well, I'm waiting for Carter to cut teeth through--- it may actually be worse than watching grass grow..... silly boy, I'm tired, he needs sleep, I need sleep, and all that will only come once teeth come in! Geesh...... I've been trying to keep up on school... I am bound and determined to go back strong.... the first half of my college career has not been too strong, grades wise.... but I want the second half to be perfect, and I think a 4.0 my first quarter back would be the best way to start off.... Federal Taxation is kick ass, in fact may just be my fav. class ever; but I'm weird like that LOL..... finance is okay, and marketing is only 3 exams so I just need to catch up on some reading for that.... In fact I should probably go to bed now, but I am waiting for SVU, I NEED SVU LOL.... I may watch it in bed... I have a feeling that I am going to be writing the sked tomorrow, my boss called and told me she really screwed up her ankle and was going to urgent care.... she called off today (I wonder if they gave her hell like they gave me for my snow day), and wasn't sure how she'd feel tomorrow, but it has to be done tomorrow, so we'll see..... I signed up to take a cake decorating class at the Career Center, I am so excited..... I pride myself in doing things around here from scratch from Carter, since I can't give him all my time..... I think his b-day cake will be baby einstein! okay, well that is my update.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

School, Work, and Teething.....

Well, Carter is finally sleeping... the child has been a pill the past few days! I think he is teething hardcore and about to pop those teeth through.... he has red cheeks, hasn't been sleeping or eating well, but he's not acting sick..... poor baby.... I spoke too soon, he is upstairs crying again, he will not sleep lately, ugh, I am going nuts! those teeth need to come through NOW! LOL.... I really want a Double Stack from Wendy's, don't know where that craving came from.....

So I'm already through my first week's school assignments for one of my classses.... the other only has like 3 assignments the entire quarter (plus 3 exams), and the other has assignments, but I will hit them up tomorrow I think.... I have to do well this quarter- this is all I want, is to do well and finish my degree..... if I can do that, I will feel like I better person, a better mommy.... now I just have to convince Adam to let us start trying again at the end of the year! I am so ready, now if only he was.... oh well, tis the life of being married.....

Hope everyone else has a great week.... I have to go back to work tomorrow..... sigh.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

So I am determined to accomplish quite a few things this year! I am excited for the things to come this year- and can't wait to move into some more exciting parts of my life! Here are not necessarily resolutions, but some things that I would like to accomplish in 2009:
1) Get mostly A's and B's in my classes at school..... and to get half-way through what is left of my classes (on track to finish school Summer/Fall of 2010)
2) Save up enough money to buy a new-ish car for Adam, and begin saving again for a new-ish car for me.....
3) Take at least one vacation (Las Vegas) and maybe a 2nd big family vacation (FL)
4) Organize the basement
5) Remodel the main bathroom, master bath, new windows, re-roof and re-side the house.... or at least begin some of this, money allowing
6) New, more efficient appliances.....
7) Perhaps be in a place where we can start trying for #2? Perhaps, money and school time line permitting..... (Adam will have a heart attack if I so much as suggest it)
8) Calm down a bit, enjoy the world around me, not take things so personally..... try to chill.....
9) Get a promotion to a CSC or get an ACSC job closer to the Vern.....

I think that is it.... I basically just want to enjoy my child and enjoy my life.... I hope the new year brings great things to everyone! And allows everyone to turn themselves a new leaf!