Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Freakin' Birthday....

So my dad calls yesterday (on my birthday) to tell me that my aunt passed away suddenly yesterday morning..... she wasn't feeling well (of course, she is a *tad* overweight, so she has a whole myriad of health problems anyways) left the house to go to the hospital or doctor or whatever, and had a heart attack right there and died......

I don't really know what to think.... I am not really all too tight with my dad's side of the family, they live 3 hours north, and are a little more than dysfunctional, but they have been having lots of issues lately, and it seems a little unfinished for them to not work them out before she died...... he is supposed to be calling me about arrangements, I don't even know if I want to go....

of course, when my grandma on that side died, it didn't hit me until a few days later..... again, same situation of never really being that close with her, etc. I wasn't even going to go to the funeral, but at work a few days after I found out, I hadn't even told anybody, and just blurted it out to my boss and started crying, big soppy tears, I was a mess..... I think it is more the suddenness of it than the fact that it is death, if that makes any sense..... I was by my dad that I should make the trip to go see my grandma because she was dying, and week later, before I had even had time to go, she was gone.....

Same with my aunt, the woman was late 40s early 50s too young too die, and there were no precursors...... ugh, I hate this, and I feel between a rock and hard place.... I hate funerals, and I really hate funerals for people I don't feel really close to, but I do need to go and be there for my dad, and for my aunt Kim..... they have had to be there for each other lately.......

So, happy birthday to me......

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So Excited!

So this has been released for weeks now but moron me forgot and just read it: Dancing with the Stars new cast has been released and OMG!

I am so ultra excited- I am kind of a nerd lol..... that is all, I am off to work!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The weekend and school.... sigh....

So Carter woke up 2 hours ago, and now I can't go back to sleep.... even though he is sleeping peacefully upstairs..... but that's okay, I've caught up with Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.... now I just have ER left..... I think I can go to bed now LOL.....

I got my paper done and turned in- a day early.... I hate marketing, it is just one of those B.S. classes that has a lot of stupid B.S. work that is pointless to my career! but alas, I only have like 4 more weeks of it! yay! I have to close all weekend.... my daddy is coming this weekend- and I am going to miss him most of the time he is here. At least he gets to see his little man again, he doesn't see Carter enough, I wish he had never moved to stupid Cleveland....

Okay, bed I am tired LOL... and I have a lot to do tomorrow before I go to work!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Too Busy of a Day

I hate it when I have a list of things to accomplish and I don't finish the list--- I feel like such a loser....

like today- I wanted to get new phones (check!).... buy stuff for cake decorating (half check! I got the powdered sugar, crisco, beginners kit, and disposable decorators bags; did not get a few of the other tips I need, plus flower plates, plus I still can't find food coloring in a paste).... I think there was something else- but alas, I don't even remember what it was because I didn't get to it! LOL.... (oh yes, it was actually making the icing LOL)

I didn' t even cook, we ordered pizza.... I have a few more baby food purees to make that I didn't get to.... I hope that Carter sleeps all night tonight..... he has the past two nights- on Adam's night to get him (of course!) but he won't tonight LOL

okay, off to watch Top Chef and relax!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm an Idiot

so today was not a good day--- no details right now, I just kinda feel like my life is not going the way I expected it to.....

but on the plus side- I'm a moron- I just realized that I set my time stamp to Pacific time LOL.... okay, I fixed it now.....

Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a beautiful day!

Oven cleaning stinks..... literally....

so I had my first cake decorating class today- it was a lot of fun. Hopefully I will actually be able to do this by the end of this all! yay! I learned a lot today, and we only went over some basics....

and I filed my tax returns.....

man was I productive today!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My newest obssession

So- I pretty much love Diablo Cody and everything she does. Like, seriously LOL.....

she is so interesting and has such unique writing and ideas. She kind of leads the life I wish I did (all the way down to the stripping LOL)....

I am coming down off of my few days worth of high..... I am so tired, and I haven't accomplished hardly anything this week. Our roof is leaking like massively in the master bedroom, it got all over everything. Why do I have to take care of everything? Or at least, ask for things to be done. I shouldn't have to ask, my husband should be willing to offer to help me, I mean, seriously.... he called off today, so fine, I've called off a few times myself recently.... why gets me, is when I call off, I spend the day taking care of Carter, doing dishes, cooking, school work, whatever..... he calls off, Carter is at the ILs because we were both supposed to work early, and he doesn't accomplish anything except changing the oil in his car (or should I say, letting someone else change his oil).... there are dishes everywhere, he could have job searched, he could have stopped the massive leak (at least temporarily) earlier before it got on everything...... ugh..... men.......

And now, once i get home with the child, that he hardly spent anytime with, he goes to see a movie with his friend. sigh..... I hate being a woman....