So last I posted, baby number two was barely an accepted thought yet. Well, now, baby #2 is known as Addyson Vaughn Schehl. She was born October 13, 2009. Ironically enough, she shares a birthday with Kate Walsh, who plays that character that inspired her name. There is a reason she was number 2. If she hadn't been, there never would have been a number 2 LOL. She is now 8 months old, crawling and thinking about walking. No teeth yet, but she has a personality quite like her brother's. They are going to make quite a pair in the next few months.

Carter is the most amazing little boy I could have asked for. He doesn't throw *too* many tantrums. He loves his sister more than I think he loves me sometimes. He is empathetic and just has the most bubbling personality I could have asked for. He turned 2 on June 5th, he was very shy when he realized it was an entire day to celebrate him. Before that moment, I didn't know if shy was in Carter's vocabulary. He likes to play basketball, swim, and rough house with Daddy and Grandpa. Over the past year, he has just turned into a little boy, and I am loving every minute of it.
Adam, I think, has finally found his niche. He is working loss prevention for Kroger, and loves it more often than not. He really hopes that in the future he can take on more of a supervisory role, in which case this may be a permanent or semi-permanent career for him. I'm hoping that once I get done with school, he can go back and get the degree that he truly wants.
And, then, that leaves me. I still attending school; still attending for forensic accounting; and I graduate in September! AHHHHH!!! It feels like I have been working at this for so long, and finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have been applying for jobs, but haven't been called for any interviews yet (outside of Kroger). I am still doing the same job at Kroger, and will probably continue to do the same job at Kroger for a little while longer. I have an interview next week to be in the first class of their Successor Training Program. No one really seems to know much about it, but the interview was based on management's recommendation. Our best understanding is that it is basically very similar to their management training program only for people who are becoming department heads. I'm kind of excited. It means that for 8 weeks I would be out of my store and doing some intensive training on all aspects of Kroger. I also have plans to go into management training in the fall (October) if I don't have another job by then. I don't really plan on being there forever, but I figure, I have degree, I don't have the job, I may as well continue to advance myself and improve my resume.
So, that is us for now, I plan to continue to update on my life and the lives of my family. Until next time....